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Monday, March 30, 2009
on Sunday i went to church and pray!
after Church my mother rush to the bank and with drew her money,
my dad and my sis and me Need to rush too cause the computer man is coming.
when we got home we waited and waited for the computer man to come 'cause my mom ordered new com.when his gone,we quickly downloaded maple story ...yeah yippee.... so happy. when i was waiting for the downloading to complete i did my my homework[compo] mom says this is multi task....After i have finish,i send email to my teacher.finish download completed i immediately played maple story after playing i went to watch TV and then i went to bed.i
Next morning morning i brushed my teeth,bath wash my face and change and went to school was very fun.i saw a bird dead.

wished apon a star @ 7:28 PM
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Yo everyone, i want to share with you something.
I had so much fun yesterday, I went with my mummy and my 2 big sisters to a bbq.
it is at the Nsrcc. We celebrated so many peoples' birthdays
I went swimming with my friend abigail and Ming Hui .it was so fun... later i went to the nice playground ...but i think abigail is too fat to go through the slide i went down alone.
Uncle Bernard later brought us to the arcade and mummy gave geri and i $20 .. We didnt win sad...
Later when it was really dark, Valerie jie jie and Ming Hui brought some of us for ghost hunting. i was so afraid..but i dont want anybody to know. we went hunting pow ghost but we only found p..
We went back to chalet and Valerie jie told us more ghost stories... i was so afraid...and i am scared to look at mirror and trees when it is dark...i keep thinking of bloody mary...... Last night after i reached home i was too afraid to sleep 'cause i kept thinking of bloody mary....
but i enjoyed yesterday very much...I hope to have more fun days like this again


wished apon a star @ 2:31 AM
Friday, March 27, 2009
last christmas...a few pictures..
this is me and geri..
am i cute!?look it's my bestie..isn't it as cute as me!? my whole family..i'm the cutest&and the youngest.. cool right!?same colour sunglasses!!but geri's broke..sad=(


wished apon a star @ 5:29 AM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
i am happy today 'cause my aunt came spent time with me.we talk about school and me being a is tough 'cause i am only in pri 2.some older students will not listen to me they think too young to tell them to behave and some of my friends are jealous but i don't care.i am glad my anut walked me to school s my dad's off day so he picked meup from school.we bought chicken wings and yummy!bye bye

wished apon a star @ 7:35 AM

That Little StarY

underline strong italic bold strike

Her CravingsY

~good grades
~No tuition
~more clothes
~more accessories
~an ipod


Sweet EscapesY



March 2009
April 2009
June 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010
May 2010


Music code here.

Many ThanksY

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Image: Sanrio
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