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Sunday, April 26, 2009
Haiya i lazy to post lah.
Today i went shopping at Junction 8!
so boring nothing to see or buy!so we went to Orchard !
My mom bought 1 pink dress, 1 blue blouse from Esprit for me!Geri bought a blue blouse
Geri also bought accessories from Forever 21
Haiya so boring.
We meet my big sister then we took train back to Woodlands.
My mummy bought tights for me and my sister.
went home...
I am excited about tomorrow because tomorrow my school will
select permanent prefect. I hope i am selected.that's all
everybody and good night......bord bb ok bord bord bord lalala bb

wished apon a star @ 7:00 AM
Monday, April 13, 2009
yo what's up guys?

I am so happy today,Guess what,My teacher,Mrs Toh gave me a badge.
The badge is for my reading skills,On the badge it is written Vivacious reader. Everyday before assembly we have silent reading my teacher say i have to teach the pri 1 and students from primary 2 like me reading which is called buddy reading.
Now i have school badge, prefect badge and vivacious reader badge to pin on my school uniform.I have also received certificate for friend of Si ling Award. The certificate is for displaying commendable behaviour.My parents and my grandma are very happy and proud of my achievement.
I am also very happy for that.
see ya yes,who ever see this blog must link me ha ha ha.......

wished apon a star @ 6:12 AM
Saturday, April 11, 2009


Yo everybody, Today is Maundy Thursday,my mom picked me up from school at 5.00pm
'casue today we are going for the last supper mass at Church of the Holy Cross,
After that ,my aunt brought us for dinner ...the Dinner was at a nice place..
it is like cowboy ranch, going to the toilet there is kinda creepy.we have to walk up a creepy staircase with lots of creepy dreamcatches, after that we went to St Ignatius church, then to another beautiful church Mary of The Angels,then to St Joseph at Bukit Timah,I like this church most 'cause there are statues showing the Stations that Jesus went through,My aunt explained to me what the stations are about.
Lastly we went to our favourite church St Anthony.

10 April 2009

Today is Good Friday,
We eat very little and we don't take meat today
Today is the day that Jesus died on the cross to save us from sin.
My family and I went for Good friday service at 3pm.
Did nothing much today.

11 April 2009

Today is Holy Saturday, My grandma came to our home to bring easter eggs that my aunt bought for us. In the evening we went for Easter Vigil at St Anthony's church.
We waited and waited outside the church for Father to light the fire..
I saw a lot of my friends there.It was very crowded and hot...Finally we can go into the church with our candles.We watch people being baptise in the water by father.It was interesting.After that we had food and dance at the church basement. Father Terrence was dancing with many girls. I asked Father Bruno to blessed my rosary.He asked me what is my name and i told him.I felt happy.We have to go home after that 'cause my mom says it is very late already.


yippeee ! it's Easter Sunday....i am now eating my Easter is so yummy.I have to do my spelling

wished apon a star @ 10:32 PM
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Yo everyone, I play maple story almost whole day today.
So now only i have time to blog
Yesterday I went to church with my family. It was palm Sunday.We have to carry the palm
outside the church.After the Eucharist, my family and I went to church auditorium 'cause to support my big sister. There's a showcase and my sister is dancing the tango.
It was quite fun,there are some live bands. I like the part when all the people come to the front and dance together. The food there is free and yummy. Today i revised my spelling .... my mom said she is happy because i can remember all 15 words and I have completed all my homework so she allow me to use the com and play maple story..It's my favourite thing... My mom say i can't play too long wait i get addict to it.
bb and goodnight

wished apon a star @ 6:42 AM
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
o schoolon Tuesday my friend meiyi had a bad day.She brought her [ school]t she acccidentally dropped the hp in class and yan hwee say who's hp.meiyi took it,and put it in the pocket every 1 saw it. The teacher realised someone brought hp to class which is now allowed> our teacher,,Mrs Toh saw it too and she was very angry with mei.she scolded her.then
We had show and tell in school .after show and tell it's time to go back home.mrs toh called mei's mom to tell her about the hp .
bb every 1

Hey today is 1st April, I played April fool's joke on my mother and gradma and with my classmates too...haha it was funny

wished apon a star @ 4:31 AM

That Little StarY

underline strong italic bold strike

Her CravingsY

~good grades
~No tuition
~more clothes
~more accessories
~an ipod


Sweet EscapesY



March 2009
April 2009
June 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010
May 2010


Music code here.

Many ThanksY

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