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Thursday, August 27, 2009
hey ppl!
what,if all of the pupils in my class(I8)bring all the stuff that my teacher want we all get to eat burger and all we want in MC Donal!!

yesterday(day:Thursday date:27/8/09 time:dunno but in night)i and my bro sis went to eat MC Donal!!we had lots of fun!!i am a monkey my sis(gen)is like a noob!!and of course my bro(emma)is even more noober haha

that's all for today bb ppl!!lalala...going off to see what's today news so bb...

wished apon a star @ 6:59 PM
Thursday, August 6, 2009
wow jazzrie finally u hav a blog cool dude but nth in there haha and i am gwen
8 years old dude nice rite?
yala wait why am i talking to my self??nvm i am 8 and still hav handphone dude ya some of my friends hav too so nth to be special hahahehe haha hehe okokso how is yr sch for not nce my teacher mre toh everintime shout but not at me.......................................bye finally finish bloging but not that finish i mean finish for this time ah next time k?ok so bye guys hahaha

wished apon a star @ 8:22 PM

That Little StarY

underline strong italic bold strike

Her CravingsY

~good grades
~No tuition
~more clothes
~more accessories
~an ipod


Sweet EscapesY



March 2009
April 2009
June 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010
May 2010


Music code here.

Many ThanksY

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Image: Sanrio
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